У межах міжнароднай кампаніі «Без Візы!» больш за дваццаць грамадскіх арганізацый і ініцыятыў з Беларусі і ЕС заклікалі кіраўніцтва краіны ў аднабаковым парадку спрасціць візавы рэжым для замежных грамадзян, альбо...
Урад Літвы на пасяджэнні прыняў афіцыйнае рашэнне звярнуцца да прэзідэнта Далі Грыбаўскайтэ з просьбай перадаць на ратыфікацыю ў парламент Пагадненне аб спрошчаным перасячэнні мяжы Беларусі і Літвы для жыхароў памежных...
Management of the company "Belavia" hopes to complete its half-empty planes with tourists, in connection with which it plans to cut air fares after visa regime simplification between the EU...
The citizens of the CIS countries will be able to apply for a Latvian visa via internet from June 30, 2010. This was stated by the employee of the Office...
Estonian MFA has informed that the new order comes into force since March 1. Estonian government decided to free Belarusian citizens from official fees for obtaining long-term Estonian visas in...
Adoption of a Council Decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement between the European Union and Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of...
The European Commission will open negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement between the EU and Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of short-stay visas, according to a press...
Public coalition for the EU-Belarus visa-free movement launched A number of well-known Belarusian NGOs and think tanks have joined forces within a public VISA-FREE coalition. Assisted by partners from EU...
First Deputy Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Andrei Harulka reported on March 30 that Belarus might introduce a visa regime with Georgia. Harulka explained that the issue...