On 27 August 2011, the Center for Research and Policy Making (Skopje, Macedonia) in cooperation with the Office for a Democratic Belarus (Brussels, Belgium) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (Vilnius, Lithuania)...
Belarus will be represented at the World Travel Market 2011 international tourist exhibition, (WTM 2011) in London, head of the marketing department of the National Tourism Agency of Belarus Uladzimir...
Belnaftakhim banned non-currency petrol sale to foreigners. "Pursuant to the authority of Belnaftakhim Chairman, provide under personal responsibility the implementation of fuel at border petrol stations to non-residents of the...
Those Belarusians who wanted to spend this summer in Croatia will be disappointed. Information appeared last autumn that the citizens of our country will obtain the possibility to travel to...
Савет ЕС вінаваціць у зацягванні часу Беларусь, але нашы ўлады кажуць, што не ўсё так проста. У заключэннях па Беларусі 23 сакавіка Савет ЕС фактычна вінаваціць беларускія ўлады ў нежаданні...