This web-site is developed by the Office for a Democratic Belarus (ODB) under the project ‘Paving the road towards visa-free travel between the Eastern Partnership countries and the EU’ led by PASOS. The project is aimed at the achievement of visa-free relations between the Eastern Partnership countries and EU member-states as well as at promoting closer integration and people-to-people exchange and contacts between the Eastern Partnership countries and EU member-states.
In the frames of this project the ODB in close cooperation with the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS) is undertaking the Belarusian analytical baseline study, in-depth research and monitoring of progress towards visa-free travel to the European Union. The two organisations are also working on the advocacy plan of visa-liberalisation for Belarus.
Both, BISS and the ODB are members of a public coalition VISA-FREE. ODB is also a member of the Coalition for the European Continent Undivided by Visa Barriers. Olga Stuzhinskaya, the ODB director, is a head of the visa facilitation sub-group, which is part of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Civil Society Forum’s Working Group 1 (WG1).